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Inspired @ Home

Inspired @ Home

Tips from the Pros: Q&A with Drew Scott

By: Staff Published: November 6, 2015

Trying to decide if you should renovate your closet or storage space? We asked Drew Scott – real estate agent, TV personality and renovation expert – for some tips and advice.

  1. Does updating closets and storage areas really increase the value of a home? Is it worth the investment?
    There is no doubt in my mind that maximizing storage areas and closet organizers increase the value of a home. Think about it from a buyer’s perspective. All buyers NEED storage and definitely want to get the most use out of a storage area. Every time I sell a home, I put custom storage solutions in all rooms. One of the first comments I always get from buyers is “I love how functional this home is with all the custom storage.”
  1. Best advice for someone renovating their closet?
    Know you budget prior to planning the organization of your closets. It’s easy to go for a lot of extra bells and whistles but ensure you’re not just adding elements that aren’t actually going to add value. Also, use an expert to help you maximize the use of the space. ClosetMaid has planning experts to get the most out of every inch while keeping you within your budget.
  1. What do you use as inspiration for styling and organizing new spaces?
    I’ve been building, renovating, redesigning homes since the ’90s. I’ve seen a lot over the years that has inspired me and have learned what people are looking for in a home. I also love pulling design inspiration from my travels. Whether it’s from historic property in Europe or a commercial building in NYC. There are ideas everywhere!!

Thanks, Drew!

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