Multigenerational family eating outdoors.

Inspired @ Home

Inspired @ Home

Overwhelmed by Clutter? Here’s Where to Start

By: Staff Published: February 25, 2020
walk-in closet

walk-in closet

While there are all kinds of helpful tips to help keep a clutter-free home, it can be easy for our houses or apartments to get filled with unwanted objects. Clutter normally starts within your basement or other common out-of-the-way rooms and, if you’re not careful, it can easily grow to take over the whole house! Whether you’re prepping for a big lifestyle change or are just looking to gain extra space within your living quarters, there are a few key spots where you can begin to make your decluttering process easy.

Start with Your Problem Area

We all have that room that never gets organized. The place where all unwanted things tend to end up. Christmas ornaments, antiques, broken furniture – these are only some of the numerous items you can find within that holding zone. Even if it starts out empty, slowly but surely, this spot will be full of unwanted items.

Before you begin, choose a specific section that you want to start with. Once you have that section figured out, move on to the next. Since certain areas can take longer than others, set up time increments for when to tackle certain tasks. You can do this by hours, days or even minutes. It can be overwhelming to tackle an entire pile, so taking your time will make it easier to conquer and make the process less stressful overall.

garage storage

Install MaxLoad wire shelving in your garage to store the items you’re keeping.

Look at Your Wardrobe

Every year fashion trends come in and out of style, and it always seems like we end up with more clothes than we know what to do with. “What if I wear this again?” “What if this comes back into style?” are only some of the questions that can lead us to keeping items we no longer need.

When going through your wardrobe, make four piles: donate, keep, toss and sell. Determining what you want to sell versus donate will depend on the quality and brand. If contemplating an old used soccer shirt, add that to the donation pile. If looking at a pair of nice Madewell jeans, add that to the selling pile. Not everyone wants to go into multiple stores to try and sell things, so you can choose to sell your wardrobe online. This is a much easier alternative and will help you get rid of unwanted clothing items much faster.

SuiteSymphony closet system

Organize your remaining clothing and accessories in your closet. Storage systems like SuiteSymphony offer a variety of configurations and options you can tailor to your needs.

Declutter the Bathroom Closet

The bathroom closet is a common area where products pile up. This can be from buying discounted products we see at stores, products we think we’ll use but never do, or products we half use and never fully finish. You’ll be amazed at all the unused soaps, free makeup samples and half-used lotions you might find by really digging through your bathroom storage area.

linen closet

To help tame the bathroom closet clutter, completely clear your linen closet’s shelves to assess what you have.

You can easily accomplish cleaning out your bathroom with only a few simple steps! Keep in mind that waste is a large worldwide issue so once you’ve cleaned out your bathroom with all your unwanted products, try to give away as many as possible. You never know who could need lotions or free makeup samples! If you have empty containers, take them to your nearest Ulta Beauty for recycling.

By concentrating your efforts on the three most challenging spaces in your home, you can manage your clutter with less stress.

Declutter your home