Multigenerational family eating outdoors.

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Inspired @ Home

How to Organize Your Gardening Tools and Supplies

By: Staff Published: April 4, 2022

Gardening can be a relaxing and rewarding hobby. After all, you’re working with your hands, bringing new life to fruition and breathing in fresh air. But keeping all your tools organized is often another story. Not to worry! We have your guide to maintaining tidy gardening storage, so you’ll have no more spilled soil, falling rakes or misplaced shears.


Chances are your gardening equipment will mostly live in your garage, where floor space is often limited. That means the walls can play a pivotal role in reaching your organizing goal.

tools on wall

Heavy-duty shelving can support bulky and hefty items like watering cans and potting soil bags.

Hang a sturdy shelving system with MaxLoad wire shelves and adjustable hardware to provide reliable storage that won’t take up valuable surface area. In other words, you can still park your car and your lawn mower in the garage!

Shop for heavy-duty wire shelves

Don’t forget the smaller items. If you’re concerned about them falling through the wire slats, get creative. One possible solution: a container that slides over the shelf. If you have a lot of more delicate supplies, use several packet pals and sort similar things together. For instance, flower seeds can go in one and gloves could go in another.

wire basket with seeds

Slip a basket over your wire shelf to store seed packets and other small pouches within easy reach.


Those handled gardening tools (picture shovels and weeders), hoses and power equipment can pose a significant challenge when it comes to securing them. Not only do they tend to tip over or uncoil but they can actually be dangerous to young kids.

Hooks specially designed to hang up your gardening and lawn implements offer your best bet to help them and your family stay safe.

tools on wall

Our hooks can mount to ShelfTrack hardware or be directly installed on a wall.

Bins and Carts

Easy portability of your tools is key to making gardening easier, more efficient and more fun. A fabric bin can pull double duty as a storage receptacle and transportation for your lighter and smaller items, such as twine, trowels and work gloves.

green bin

A fabric bin can carry your tools from garage to garden.

To tote larger items, or if you have a big yard, a lawn cart might be your answer. AMES Lawn Buddy Planters Cart can even carry potted plants. Bonus: It also has a lid that acts as a seat to allow you to rest or do work without having to stoop – no matter where you are!


If you’re fortunate enough to have enough room, cabinets deliver so many benefits to your garden shed or garage.

One, you can close the doors – and lock them, if necessary, reducing the risk of spillage or the wrong hands getting to potentially toxic chemicals.

Two, some cabinets have drawers that can corral more petite products.
Three, you can add a work surface to shorter cabinets, giving you a place to pot and prune your container plants.

shed cabinet

Store everything from your boots to self-watering planters in garage cabinetry.

By planning out your storage for all gardening tools and supplies will make your hobby that much more enjoyable and satisfying.

Shop for gardening storage